Cin Cin - Third Stake
Analysis results
squamous-columnar junction visible ectocervical course I have the scales, are a mermaid.
white vinegar thin flat epithelium
I really do not ever put the vinegar in the salad Mosaic regular
In fact, I like to keep the tiles in order ASCUS on cytology
How? No, I do not join a union! Closing colposcopic Findings insignificant
This girl could do more cytology report: smear satisfactory
A force to take the step of the soldier abnormal epithelial cells of undetermined significance ASCUS
But ASCUS is a Neapolitan singer? macroscopic findings: two fragments of grayish-4 mm3.
must have been when I was playing with lego. All Inclusive isolated.
That is, can I pay in installments? Immunohistochemical p16 protein kit CINtec p 16INK4a.
You could not make a simple sudoku? So, everything okay? They are not serious, the second alarm livello. Riproviamo fra un anno.